Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New clothes!

Ok, so I got some new dresses a while back and never posted pictures of them. Well here they are. I bought them both from

Great website for retro clothing!

Go check them out, they have great prices!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I'm thankful for.

As much as I want to be down state right now, there isn't much I can do about it. But I guess that I am thankful that I have been able to make it to Thanksgiving every year before this.

And I want to remind all of you to be thankful for what you have. You many not be where you want to be, but if you get to spend Thanksgiving with a family, even if you don't like that part of the family, be glad you get to see them.

Everyone who gets to be with family, be thankful. Some people don't get to be home and want to be. Like people in the military, peace core, and people overseas doing missionary work. Also people that are teaching English in other countries, they don't get to be home either.

Just be thankful for what you do have. One day you could have nothing wishing you had someone. Even if it's someone you don't like very much.

God Bless,


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sound off in 3....2....1

Ok, I'm going to sound off about something that most of my friends might have a problem with. Which I don't think many of them actually read my blog so I'm going to blast away at this thing that has been annoying me.

What has been annoying me is one simple thing. People who don't have jobs and live off of others. I call them "users". I have another name for them, which I choose to keep to my self because it's not very nice.

Lets just say I know a few "users". I wont name anyone, don't worry, but some people might know who I'm talking about.

For starters, I don't like it when people don't work through college. I worked all the way through college with a few given exceptions. The first is when I moved to Mt. Pleasant in 2006. I applied to many places but told them that I couldn't work during the holidays and I didn't get hired. (I was going to Chicago to see the King Tut exhibit). I lived off of about $800 for the semester, walked to class every day and basically lived off ramen and oranges. Until I was hired by Sam's Club in January 2007. I worked at Sam's Club and in the summers had a second job cleaning apartments, until April 2009 when I left for Australia. When I came from my adventures, I worked for the cleaning company until Sam's hired me back. Then they laid me off in February 201o and I decided not to work until the summer, when my cleaning job started. Then I got my teaching job, I didn't have to work in the summer, and now have two jobs.

So I work my butt off to pay for things.

Now now, as always there are exceptions to every rule. Not every person who is going to school and not working piss me off.

It's the general sense of the excuses that come from people. "I can't find a job." "I don't want to work while I'm in school." "I don't have any experience." The list goes on.

So I want to know why some people are too good to get a job while they are in school and while others don't bother to suck it up and work someplace until they can find a job in their field. I did it. My friends Steph, Christina, Jay, Xhafer, Megan, Sid, Cassie, Shawn and many others did it. My friend Libby, Nikki, Luke, and many others still are.

What makes some people too good to get a job at Target, Meijer, Kroger, JC Penny, and even Walmart? I work at Walmart. They give you a paycheck for your services. There's always food service too like Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and lots of others.

Why are some people too good? Or are they just lazy? I don't know. But I know that I have bills to pay and the only way to pay them is to work at a job that I don't always like. But I do it. I know that it's easier to find a job if you already have one. Does that mean that those people don't have to pay bills???

That's when I insert the term "user". A "user" is someone who doesn't contribute enough or at all to monthly bills that they are clearly helping to rack up. Quit being a "user" and go get a job already. It'll be fine. You will live. Even if it's not what you went to school for, it's paying bills. Deal with it until that good job shows up. Just keep looking.

God Bless,


Monday, November 14, 2011

just getting stuff out

In the past few months I have been really working on myself and being happy again. Believe me, being sad and a crumpled mess is by far the worst thing that has happened to me. And if it never happens again to me, I will be very happy.

But because of all that I do have my good days and my bad days. I've had a few bad days. And I realize that they are going to boil down and catch fire around Thanksgiving time.

For the first time EVER in my life I have to work both Thanksgiving and the Day after. Now, I work in the Deli, so the Black Friday crap (which really is just piles of crap that makes good people miss out on their family gatherings), doesn't affect me. We still have normal hours. But I will not be home with my family like other people will be.

I know that some people have given up more then I have, say people in the military, but that is so besides the point. I got scheduled the way I did so that I could work Thanksgiving, right in the middle of the day. And Friday I work 5-10.

I honestly believe that the company that I work for really doesn't care that I would like to be home with my family instead of being sad slicing deli meats for people who will just feel bad for coming in.

But that's in the future. I'd like to talk about right now. This is partially hormone induced, partially from being ill for almost 3 weeks now, and a few other reasons I'll keep to myself.

I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. My pants don't fit. All of them. They are too big, and if any of you have gone pants shopping with me, you know how picky and hard it is for me to buy pants that I like. Also, I really haven't the cash to go buy myself some new pants.

I also don't like most of my clothes. I want to look nice when I go to class sometimes, not like crap. And well, I have a lot of crap.

I donno. I'll probably just feel better after my head stops hurting regularly.

God bless,


Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Favorite Song

This afternoon I heard my favorite song. This is the song that I am going to dance at my wedding for the first dance between my and my husband (Which I have every intention of my very good friend Shawn singing with acoustic guitar... I probably should tell him that). The song that I will sing to my children as a lullaby.

What is my favorite song? Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

I remember that I had this little wind up music box when I was little with the lyrics on it. I believe it also had an image from Wizard of Oz on it.

I sometimes wonder where I put that music box. I think I still have it in my things at my parents.

I always loved this song because the song is so optimistic and happy, like anything can occur if you want it too. And it makes me feel happy every time I hear it and I go seizing the carp (Carpe Diem, my friends).

Gosh I'm so sappy sometimes. But Oh well. It makes me happy.

God Bless,

P.S. Click the link.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I take that back, I do have something to say.

I want to thank Clancy for this. But I want you all to know, I will be commenting more on this in the future.

"Happy are those that dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."- Leon J. Suenes.

Ok, so here's the future comments on this quote.

People have dreams. No matter what they are, big or small people have them. I, on the other hand, have reality. I know what my dreams are, figure out how to get them, then go get them. Sometimes it takes longer then others to realize the dreams and sometimes things do get in the way, but forging (I made a metals joke... :D...) through the crap and keeping your eye's on the prize, you get what you want.

I almost gave up last year. I almost settled. Then all that mess that I went through last year and dragged everyone else I knew along with me, was an attempt to fight back. I will never allow myself to settle on something good enough when I know that I deserve better.

What I was settling for was a job that as the school year went on, wasn't worthy of what I had to offer. Being beat down by so many different things, I had the choice to either fight the man or give in. I kind of did both, possibly the wrong way of doing it, but I gave in. Not the way they wanted me to, and why would I? With what little respect I had for myself at the end of my first teaching job, I took it and ran off to the U.P.

I now know that I will never make the kind of money that rich people make. If I make a lot it's because I worked my butt off for it. I may decide to go be an apprentice someplace, which I will make more money there then teaching. That is besides the point. I know what price I had to pay in order to fill my dreams and get what I want.

I issue this question to you: "Are you willing to do it? Not just settle for good enough, but keep reaching for the dreams you created?"

Well, are you?

God Bless,


Posty posty

I haven't posted in a while. Been kinda blah and sick for a bit.

I'm feeling somewhat better but I need sleep, and I'm not getting good sleep. I may have temporary fixed that problem with my body pillow being next to me again.

Not much to say, well lots to say, just not energy to put it out tonight.

I'm alive and wellish.

God Bless,
