Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trying new things

Now, I know that I'm probably the worst person to diet. I'm bad at it and I give up easily.

Now that my stress level is SO much better, I've decided to try to at least eat better.

Now if Econo would just stop making that amazing spinach dip, then I wouldn't have to buy it each week. Spinach dip is my cheat food. I allow myself about 1/4 of a cup daily.

I've been using this food tracker on that my friend Christina showed me. It's basically a way for me to keep track of what I'm eating and it's super easy to use. I even bought good food to eat so that I'm eating less garbage and junk, which I know I eat a lot of.

I'm trying do keep things in proportion. Which is half the battle. I can also track my water intake online as well.

This morning I weighed myself. Slightly less then earlier this week. I really needed to stop eating all those Doritos and cookies. I can have some, just not so darn many.

But It's pretty cool to see what your taking in and it's kinda a wake up call. It's like, whoa, that's just too much! Even if you don't think it's that much, it really is.

And I feel awesome.

Feeling good and happy,

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