What has been annoying me is one simple thing. People who don't have jobs and live off of others. I call them "users". I have another name for them, which I choose to keep to my self because it's not very nice.
Lets just say I know a few "users". I wont name anyone, don't worry, but some people might know who I'm talking about.
For starters, I don't like it when people don't work through college. I worked all the way through college with a few given exceptions. The first is when I moved to Mt. Pleasant in 2006. I applied to many places but told them that I couldn't work during the holidays and I didn't get hired. (I was going to Chicago to see the King Tut exhibit). I lived off of about $800 for the semester, walked to class every day and basically lived off ramen and oranges. Until I was hired by Sam's Club in January 2007. I worked at Sam's Club and in the summers had a second job cleaning apartments, until April 2009 when I left for Australia. When I came from my adventures, I worked for the cleaning company until Sam's hired me back. Then they laid me off in February 201o and I decided not to work until the summer, when my cleaning job started. Then I got my teaching job, I didn't have to work in the summer, and now have two jobs.
So I work my butt off to pay for things.
Now now, as always there are exceptions to every rule. Not every person who is going to school and not working piss me off.
It's the general sense of the excuses that come from people. "I can't find a job." "I don't want to work while I'm in school." "I don't have any experience." The list goes on.
So I want to know why some people are too good to get a job while they are in school and while others don't bother to suck it up and work someplace until they can find a job in their field. I did it. My friends Steph, Christina, Jay, Xhafer, Megan, Sid, Cassie, Shawn and many others did it. My friend Libby, Nikki, Luke, and many others still are.
What makes some people too good to get a job at Target, Meijer, Kroger, JC Penny, and even Walmart? I work at Walmart. They give you a paycheck for your services. There's always food service too like Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, and lots of others.
Why are some people too good? Or are they just lazy? I don't know. But I know that I have bills to pay and the only way to pay them is to work at a job that I don't always like. But I do it. I know that it's easier to find a job if you already have one. Does that mean that those people don't have to pay bills???
That's when I insert the term "user". A "user" is someone who doesn't contribute enough or at all to monthly bills that they are clearly helping to rack up. Quit being a "user" and go get a job already. It'll be fine. You will live. Even if it's not what you went to school for, it's paying bills. Deal with it until that good job shows up. Just keep looking.
God Bless,
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