Monday, October 24, 2011

Epic blog of epicness.

Ok, so it's not that epic. But it's pretty important to me.

I was going FINALLY set up a photo shoot with my new dresses and take some nice photos and show off how nice they fit me.

Well, that didn't happen. My Aunt Fran passed away sometime Sunday evening/Monday morning. I had to run home for the funeral, then while home my grandma's bathroom exploded, and well, my dad and brother did there best, and a professional has to be called in.

But anyway, I wanted to post a statement made by my cousin John. I commented on his status.

John- "Success is overcoming Limitations. Failure is..... accepting Limitations"

Me- "Does that mean that I failed as a teacher if I decided that being an artist was better suited for me? Screw financial stability that comes with it. No one really has that anyway"

John- "Olivia- You as an Artist are overcoming the limitation that the job as an Art teacher became to you. To leave the job that you felt was limiting you is a positive action to overcoming that limitation. Knowing you as I have done more lately, you were dying as a teacher, and like most who accept "lifestyles of quiet desperation" would have lost your connection to the real you. Keep on keeping on.. you will always have my support Cuz!"

And I'll leave it at that. :)

God Bless,

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